Sponsor an event

We’re always keen to find sponsors to work on our events, to maximise event income and to add value to our corporate partnerships. 

Through sponsorship, you could reach out to the local community, or support an event attracting an important customer base for you. By working with us you can platform your brand to new audiences. Importantly, an audience who shares your passion to support the amazing work of our hospital. 

To hear more about how you can get involved please get in touch with our dedicated corporate team at  [email protected]

Make a gift in kind donation

Does your business have access to certain goods or offer a service that you think could help our charity and Hospital?

We have worked with a number of businesses who have supported us through gift in kind including DHL Tyrefort who are currently storing all our Hospital Christmas decorations, Chemist Direct who donated toiletries for our patients and staff through the Covid 19 pandemic, and LM JV who have donated a beautiful wood carving for our matron’s garden.

If you think your business could help in this way then please email us at [email protected] –we look forward to working with you!